Causes: Education, Employment Preparation & Procurement, Job Training, Vocational & Technical Schools
Mission: The Fyndamentals mission is to create brands/products that assist entrepreneurs including aspiring creators with balancing their home and work-life balance. We believe in building a community that inspires and provides positive changes in the world.
Our Goal: Our goal is to create brands, products, courses, and services that assist entrepreneurs including aspiring creators with balancing their home and work-life balance. We plan to meet this objective by creating programs, courses, products, and services that are tailored for entrepreneurs of all sizes (including businesses of all sizes, freelancers, and those who are interested in becoming an entrepreneur (or those who are simply seeking employment opportunities) to build and grow their brands and skill-sets that can be carried into a new line of profession. We also intend to create a yearly event where we bring awareness of the importance of taking care of the planet as we spread the message of the importance of unity amongst everyone. Our goal is to create over 75-100 new jobs opportunities within our first 3 months (90 days) of operations (this includes short and long-term projects). In order for us to meet our objectives, we have partnered with a network of trusted brands that offer continuous opportunities for our job seekers and interns. We are constantly seeking out new opportunities for our job seekers and interns. We also plan to request grants intended for job creations and any government contracts that we may be eligible for to fund our overall mission
Target demographics: Motivated low-income job seekers facing addressable barriers to employment. Those who are looking to work from home but don't know where to begin or have the needed start-up funds or resources.
Potential Direct beneficiaries per year: 2,000
Geographic areas served: Nationwide throughout the United States including rural and low-income areas (all programs are available virtually and can be performed from anywhere within the United States.
Career Programs:
1. Tele-Commuters Careers Training Program, prepares participants for virtual positions including positions in the administrative and customer service fields by combining computer and phone training with life skills, case management, paid experience, mental health services, career skills, job placement, and systems designed to supplement their current income.
2. Healthcare Career Pathway Program, a partnership that combines opportunities and courses for those who are already in or those who are interested in entering the medical field including case management, and professional development training.
3. Entreperienual Fast-Tracked Program, is a 12-week program that is offered to new and existing entrepreneurs who are looking to begin their career as an entrepreneur and Do-It-Yourself Tax Assistance, which teaches taxpayers to prepare their own returns using an online interface.
Internship Programs:
1. Creative Internship Program, open to creative creators including graphic & web designers and applicants who are currently in business entrepreneurial-related majors and courses. In partnership with Building Rome, we provide our interns with great real-life work experience that can be used for future employment opportunities and portfolios. We work with a group of brands that are always actively looking for great fresh new content created by talented creators just like you!
Interested in Starting?
Why wait? Our career specialist is here to help you move forward in your career whether you're looking to begin a new career or want to become an entrepreneur we can assist you with reaching your goal.